September 11th, 2001...a day that no American will ever forget.
Today marks the 8 year anniversary of the horrific and tragic terrorist attacks that occurred on the morning of September 11th, 2001. Though time has passed, the hurt and wounds from these horrible acts still remain fresh. That day, innocent human beings lost their lives.
When I re-watch the footage of that awful day, when I see the planes smashing into the twin towers.. I think of the people inside who were initially hit. The people who were in the direct line of where the planes crashed through. They never had a chance. They never had a chance to run, never had a chance to even try and escape. I think about the horror that the people in the buildings felt. I think about the people running as fast as they could, literally running for their lives. I think about the people in the Pentagon who never knew what was coming. I think about how scared and terrified the people on the hijacked planes were. How they knew that they were living their last moments on earth. I can close my eyes and see people running from the smoke and debris as the Twin Towers collapsed. I remember seeing that on TV and my heart felt like it dropped to my feet. To this day, those images are fresh in my mind. They will never fade away. I remember looking outside, looking at the New York skyline... and all I saw was black smoke.
I remember the fear I felt that day. I remember sitting in my room, the news on the TV, and not being old enough (I was a freshman in high school at the time) to fully understand everything that was being said. I remember hearing the word "terrorist attacks," and I was scared. I remember news stations covering what was happening, hearing sirens, people screaming. I remember watching as people walked over the Brooklyn Bridge to get out of the city and out of harms way. I didn't know what to think. I specifically remember asking my dad "Do you think we will be attacked again? Do you think they are going to attack again tonight?" For the first time, my Dad couldn't give me a straight answer. He didn't know. Nobody knew. I lay awake in bed that night, fearing that we were going to be attacked again, only even worse. I lay awake thinking about all the people who died, all the people who didn't make it home that day, all the children who lost parents, parents who lost children, family members who lost family members, friends who lost friends. I thought about the people who lost their lives, trying to save another.
Then, I stop, and I remember how America came together and united as one. I remember attending prayer vigils, I remember hanging American flags, I remember seeing an American flag hanging from everyone's home and on everyone's car. I remember how many men and women decided to enlist in the military to fight for our country. I remember how our President at the time, President Bush, helped us not to surrender. I remember how his speechs always made me feel just a little bit safer. He reminded Americans that we were strong, and though we were knocked down, we were going to get back up, and stand up for our country. I remember people giving blood to the American Red Cross, I remember people volunteering to help out at ground zero. I remember the heroes... the NYPD, the FDNY, the military, the volunteers. I remember that though September 11th, 2001 was a horrible, horrific, tragic brought America closer. It brought Americans closer.
Though it's 8 years later, the pain remains. The tears are still fresh. I still wonder to myself how ANYBODY could have planned such a horrific act of hatred.
I know that God opened his arms to everyone who lost their lives that day due to the hatred of others. I know that God wrapped his arms around the world, and comforted us all, and helped us to realize that we were going to be okay. God helped us to see that as long as we were there for each other, we would be okay.
Today, even if it's just for a minute, close your eyes, and take a moment to remember those who lost their lives that day. Remember those who lost loved ones that day. Remember the heroes. Remember the men and women who have been fighting for our country and remember their families. Most importantly... remember to pray. Pray for peace. Pray that the hatred that runs through the veins of some people runs dry and that all there is left to do is love.
September 11th, 2001 - Never, ever forgotten.
Written By: Maryann Rotondo (