Saturday, April 25, 2009

Rest in Peace Bea Arthur :(

Today, we lost another beloved person/actress... Bea Arthur. Most remember her as Dorothy from the TV show "The Golden Girls" where she starred alongside Estelle Getty (who passed away July 22nd, 2008), Betty White, and Rue McClanahan. Bea Arthur was 86 years old and died at home today. She had cancer.
I am only 22 years old, but I used to watch "The Golden Girls" even as a young age, and enjoy watching the show even more now (replays on television, I also have some seasons on DVD!). "The Golden Girls" was a good, wholesome show. No violence or questionable storylines. Just a great show, with hysterical one-liners from the women, about four best friends living together. It is a show that always, and will always put a smile on my face, and I will always especially love watching Bea Arthur and Estelle Getty (Dorothy and Sophia, mother and daughter on the show) acting together. The four women created something special that can never be replaced.
The show holds a special place in my heart, as do each of the individual actresses that made the show what it was. I believe Estelle Getty was waiting at the gates of heaven for Bea Arthur this morning when she passed away. I hope all four actresses, Estelle, Bea, Betty, and Rue, know just how much joy they brought to people through their acting. Rest in Peace Bea Arthur... You will always be a "golden girl".

Peace, Love, and Pug Hugs,

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